Friday, June 24, 2005


Ok, we saw this coming too. Democrats are shocked and chagrinned by Karl Rove’s comments and want him to apologize and/or resign. I can hear the cries now. “Durbin had to apologize, so should Rove, you… you… you Nazi!” So I say, (1) Durbin did not have to apologize, (2) he did not apologize, (3) how can you even compare the two? (Durbin called American Soldiers: Nazis. Rove called Democrat politicians: liberal.)

John Kerry said, "don't dare question the patriotism of Americans who offer a better direction." Duh, he wasn’t. He was questioning the patriotism of Democrats.

Howard “Living the American Scream” Dean said, get this, President Bush should "condemn Karl Rove's desperate and divisive attempt to help the Republicans regain their political footing. YEEEEAAAAAAAARGH!"

Hey Dean, there’s a phone call for you. It’s the pot. He says you’re black. Just be thankful he didn’t accuse you of being a white Christian.

When asked by reporters whether President Bush will ask Rove to apologize, White House press secretary Scott McClellan replied, “Of course not."

Now all this causes me to wonder, when did it become socially acceptable to demand an apology? If you have to demand it, is it really an apology? Take my Uncle Fred, he’s half retarded and has Tourettes Syndrome. You won’t see me demanding an apology every time he calls me a name. And frankly, I don’t need it. I have come to expect that from him ‘cause that’s they way God made him.

As well, Republicans should just accept it when a Democrat starts vomiting their rhetoric. After all, most Democrats suffer the same afflictions as my Uncle Fred, well at least the half retarded part. And if Democrats don’t like what Republicans are doing, get over it and do something useful once in a while other than giving Al-Jazeera sound bites.

Update: Some may believe my above remarks crossed the line. There’s usually a quote by Abraham Lincoln that you can turn to in moments like this. If Lincoln we’re alive to day he would say, “Get me outta here, get me outta here,” while clawing desperately at the lid of his coffin. In the end I don’t want anything in my blogging career to detract from my love of this country. Again I offer my apologies to Tourettes Syndrome patients and retarded kids everywhere for comparing them to Democrats. As for the rest of you, you really know where I am coming from, right?! Mr. President I yield to the floor.

1 comment:

Matthias said...

Orwellian? Interesting choice of words for someone who keeps deleting my posts from their site: (scroll down to the bottom).