Wednesday, June 29, 2005

In God We Fail

A California community college student is given an “F” for using the “G” word 41 times in an essay:
[Bethany] Hauf's teacher approved her term paper topic — Religion and its Place within the Government — on one condition: Don't use the word God. Instead of complying with Victor Vally Community College adjunct instructor Michael Shefchik's condition. Hauf wrote a 10-page report for her English 101 class entitled "In God We Trust.""

He said it would offend others in class," Hauf, a 34-year-old mother of four, said. "I didn't realize God was taboo."

"I don't loose my First Amendment rights when I walk into that college," Hauf said. She is demanding an apology from the teacher and that the paper be re-graded.

Mrs. Hauf has enlisted the help of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a conservative Christian legal foundation. A letter from the ACLJ to school officials also indicates that Mrs. Hauf posted her paper on an on-line blackboard for “review and comment from other students”. Shefick had it removed the next day.

So let me get this straight: A political ideology that thinks the public should fund an art project that involves urinating on a crucifix, thinks people might get offended by the use of the word “God”? These are the same people who throw feces on the Virgin Mary, but call handling the Koran without gloves torture.

You want to know what torture is? Listening to liberal yay-hoos tear this Country down everyday for their own political gain. Stuff like this:

“When the vice president absurdly claims the insurgency is 'in its last throes,' he insults the common sense and intelligence of the American people, and diminishes our stature with France, er the world, I mean,” Said C student, John Kerry.

"We just don't have a clue," Rep. John Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat obviously speaking about his own party.

“YEEEEEAAAARRRRGGGGHHH!”, Howard “Screaming La Vida Loca” Dean.

You know what? Karl Rove was wrong. Liberals are not preparing indictments and offering therapy. They are taking up arms and like the Vichy French are marching along with the enemy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Kerry Offers Presidential Advice

A guy named John Kerry offered the President some advice on what to say in his speech on Iraq:
So what should the president say tonight? The first thing he should do is tell the truth to the American people. Happy talk about the insurgency being in "the last throes" leads to frustrated expectations at home. It also encourages reluctant, sidelined nations that know better to turn their backs on their common interest in keeping Iraq from becoming a failed state.
Too many sarcastic comments running through my head. Pick one below:

A) That John Kerry is a smart guy! I bet he did well in college.

B) Sure! It makes perfect sense for the President take advice from someone who is 1) not on his side, and 2) has never been President.

C) John Kerry really knows how to connect with the American public. He ought to run for President someday.

GITMO Put into Persepective

Retired Green Beret LTC Gordon Cucullu gives his first hand observations on Guantanamo Bay. The last sentence surmises it well. Here are some excerpts, but I recommend reading the whole thing here.

After speaking with soldiers, sailors, and civilians who collectively staff Gitmo, I left convinced that abuse definitely exists at the detention facilities, and it typically fails to receive the press attention it deserves: it’s the relentless, merciless attacks on American servicemen and women by these terrorist thugs. Many of the orange jumpsuit-clad detainees fight their captors at every opportunity, openly bragging of their desire to kill Americans. One has promised that, if released, he would find MPs in their homes through the internet, break into their houses at night, and “cut the throats of them and their families like sheep.” Others claim authority and vindication to kill women, children, and other innocents who oppose their jihadist mission authorized by the Koran (the same one that hangs in every cell from a specially-designed holder intended to protect it from a touching the cell floor – all provided at U.S. taxpayer expense). One detainee was heard to tell another: “One day I will enjoy sucking American blood, although their blood is bitter, undrinkable….” These recalcitrant detainees are known euphemistically as being “non-compliant.” They attack guards whenever the soldiers enter their cells, trying to reach up under protective facemasks to gouge eyes and tear mouths. They make weapons and try to stab the guards or grab and break limbs as the guards pass them food.

There is a good reason these unlawful combatants are being confined. They are evil and dangerous individuals. Yet these thugs are treated with an amazing degree of compassion: They are given ice cream treats and recreational time. They live in clean facilities, and receive a full Muslim religious package of Koran, prayer rug, beads, and prayer oils. An arrow in every cell points to Mecca. The call to prayer is played five times daily. They are not abused, hanged, tortured, beheaded, raped, mutilated, or in any way treated the way that they once treated their own captives – or now treat their guards.

You are right to worry about inhumane treatment taking place at GITMO. But your concern should be for the dedicated, well-trained, highly professional American men and women who are subjected to a daily barrage of feces, urine, semen, and spit hurled at them along with vile invective as they implement a humane, enlightened system of confinement on men who want nothing more than to kill Americans. These quiet professional Americans, who live under the motto “Honor Bound for Defense of Freedom,” deserve our utmost respect and concern. Shame on anyone who slanders or disrespects them for short-term and short-sighted political advantage.

Friday, June 24, 2005


Ok, we saw this coming too. Democrats are shocked and chagrinned by Karl Rove’s comments and want him to apologize and/or resign. I can hear the cries now. “Durbin had to apologize, so should Rove, you… you… you Nazi!” So I say, (1) Durbin did not have to apologize, (2) he did not apologize, (3) how can you even compare the two? (Durbin called American Soldiers: Nazis. Rove called Democrat politicians: liberal.)

John Kerry said, "don't dare question the patriotism of Americans who offer a better direction." Duh, he wasn’t. He was questioning the patriotism of Democrats.

Howard “Living the American Scream” Dean said, get this, President Bush should "condemn Karl Rove's desperate and divisive attempt to help the Republicans regain their political footing. YEEEEAAAAAAAARGH!"

Hey Dean, there’s a phone call for you. It’s the pot. He says you’re black. Just be thankful he didn’t accuse you of being a white Christian.

When asked by reporters whether President Bush will ask Rove to apologize, White House press secretary Scott McClellan replied, “Of course not."

Now all this causes me to wonder, when did it become socially acceptable to demand an apology? If you have to demand it, is it really an apology? Take my Uncle Fred, he’s half retarded and has Tourettes Syndrome. You won’t see me demanding an apology every time he calls me a name. And frankly, I don’t need it. I have come to expect that from him ‘cause that’s they way God made him.

As well, Republicans should just accept it when a Democrat starts vomiting their rhetoric. After all, most Democrats suffer the same afflictions as my Uncle Fred, well at least the half retarded part. And if Democrats don’t like what Republicans are doing, get over it and do something useful once in a while other than giving Al-Jazeera sound bites.

Update: Some may believe my above remarks crossed the line. There’s usually a quote by Abraham Lincoln that you can turn to in moments like this. If Lincoln we’re alive to day he would say, “Get me outta here, get me outta here,” while clawing desperately at the lid of his coffin. In the end I don’t want anything in my blogging career to detract from my love of this country. Again I offer my apologies to Tourettes Syndrome patients and retarded kids everywhere for comparing them to Democrats. As for the rest of you, you really know where I am coming from, right?! Mr. President I yield to the floor.

Karl Rove Tells it Like it Is

At a fund-raiser in Midtown for the Conservative Party of New York State, Karl Rove had this to say:
"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers"…

Citing calls by progressive groups to respond carefully to the attacks, Mr. Rove said to the applause of several hundred audience members, "I don't know about you, but moderation and restraint is not what I felt when I watched the twin towers crumble to the ground, a side of the Pentagon destroyed, and almost 3,000 of our fellow citizens perish in flames and rubble."…

"Has there ever been a more revealing moment this year?" Mr. Rove asked [regarding Dick Durbin’s statements]. "Let me just put this in fairly simple terms: Al Jazeera now broadcasts the words of Senator Durbin to the Mideast, certainly putting our troops in greater danger. No more needs to be said about the motives of
What the?... Karl Rove, I just have one thing to say. And please don’t take this the wrong way… I love you.

News Flash: Some People Offended by Men in Feather Boas and G-Strings

Yesterday, Jerusalem city officials announced that they will “ban the annual gay pride parade set for next week, claiming the march would offend many of the holy city's residents”.

The city council, including the mayor, decided "it is not right to allow the march or other planned activities to take place in the streets of Jerusalem, fearing that it will create an uproar, offend a wide sector of city residents and out of fear of public disturbances," Eitan Meir, director general of City Hall, said in a letter to organizers.
Well, we all knew this was coming. For years liberals have been banning Christianity (and Jada Pinkett) from classrooms, government and the streets on the basis that it might offend people. Take this 2004 Christmas parade for example:
In the latest skirmish over Christmas in America, a Christian group is not allowed to participate in Denver's annual Parade of Lights, because church members sought to sing yuletide hymns and proclaim a "Merry Christmas" message on their float.

However, the event, now in its 30th year, will include homosexual American Indians, Kung Fu artisans, belly dancers and, of course, Santa Claus.
Looks as though turn about is fair play. Granted, this was Israel and not the United States, but American liberals have already laid the ground work for forbidding so-called offensive events. But then again, liberals have a warped sense of values – Nativity scene: offensive, Smearing feces on the Virgin Mary: art.

Now don’t get me wrong, the Burque Boy loves a parade, and a gay one at that - particularly if the participants look anything like Neve Campbell and Denise Richard ala Wild Things (unfortunately most of them look like Richard Simmons and Barney Frank.)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Dick Without a Pair

Dick Durbin needs to (as the Spanish say) find his cajones. These are not the words of a man, much less a sorry man:

Some may believe my remarks crossed the line. To them I extend my heartfelt apologies. There’s usually a quote by Abraham Lincoln that you can turn to in moments like this. Maybe this is the right one. Lincoln said “If the end brings me out right what is set against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong ten thousand angels swarming at his right won’t make any difference.” In the end I don’t want anything in my public career to detract from my love of this country, my respect for those who serve it, and this great Senate. I offer my apologies for those who were offended by my words. I promise you that I will continue to speak out on the issues I think are important to the people of Illinois and to the Nation. Mr.President I yield to the floor.
They are the words of a spineless weenie who is not sorry and is only apologizing because he feels he has to. Again, I don’t care what Dick said, I don’t care if he apologizes, but I had much greater respect for him when he was digging in his heels and refusing to apologize. At least he was standing up for his true warped feelings.

I feel like Don Corleone slapping Johhny Fontane around. “You can act like a man! What's the matter with you? Is this how you turned out? A Hollywood fannuchio that cries like a woman.”

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

News Flash: PETA Are a Bunch of Lying Phonies

Two employees of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have been charged with animal cruelty after dumping dead dogs and cats in a shopping center garbage bin.

Police found 18 dead animals in the bin and 13 more in a van registered to PETA. The animals were from animal shelters in [two North Carolina] counties, police said.

Investigators arrested the two workers after staking out a garbage bin where animals had previously been dumped, police said Thursday.

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said the workers were picking up animals to be brought to PETA headquarters for euthanization. Veterinarians and animal control officers said the PETA workers had promised to find homes for the animals rather than euthanize them, according to police.

Of course this is nothing new. PETA has killed over 13,000 cats and dogs since 1998 according to this web site. Hold on, I’ve got to sneeze. Ah... ah... achoohypocrites... achoohypocrites. Sorry, now where was I?

Monday, June 20, 2005

Dick Apologizes (Sort of)

I tried to stay away from this, because I really could not care less about what Dick Durbin thinks. In all honesty, I don’t even think he should resign. That is between him and the good voters of the state of Illinois. But then came his apology:

“My statement in the Senate was critical of the policies of this administration, which add to the risk our soldiers face. I have learned from my statement that historical parallels can be misused and misunderstood. I sincerely regret if what I said caused anyone to misunderstand my true feelings: Our soldiers around the world and their families at home deserve our respect, admiration, and total support.”
Note that he is not sorry for his statements, he doesn’t even regret them. He regrets that simplistic stupid Christian rednecks do not understand his complex emotions.

Is it just me or is the line that separates the thoughts and words of American liberals and the propagandist lies of Al-Jazeera slowly blurring.

Of course the real irony here is that Dick slurs same soldiers that protect his ability to freely emit his delusions.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Your Brain, and Your Brain on Drugs... Any Questions?

This is how a Red State welcomes soldiers home:

Two fire engines come screaming down the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport runway, with sirens blaring, heading straight toward a plane full of Soldiers that just arrived from Kuwait International Airport.
What the Soldiers didn’t know was that they were about to experience what Dallas-Fort Worth Airport fire and rescue teams call a “water salute,” to honor troops coming home on R and R leave from Iraq. The water turrets on the fire engines shoot water arcs into the air at a rate of 1,500 gallons per minute. The aircraft drives under the arc.

“I didn’t expect such a welcome,” said Pfc. Heather England, a 578th Signal Co. satellite communications operator. “Soldiers aboard the plane got a bit choked up as they watched the water splash on the plane’s windows.”

Security guards held back the hundreds of clapping and screaming Texas residents who cheered the 200 Soldiers as they entered the air terminal.
“An older lady asked me if I had any children,” Friedly said. “When I told her I had a girl, she took me by the arm and directed me to a group of volunteers sitting at the end of the corridor. They handed me a pink teddy bear, some candy and a bouquet of flowers for my wife. I was overwhelmed by the kindness of so many strangers."
The volunteers perform this welcome every day at the airport. Hundreds of civilians spend hours greeting Soldiers, thanking Soldiers and giving to Soldiers.
“After being stationed in Germany and Iraq for so long, seeing this display of affection at the U.S. airport has definitely reminded me why I love Americans, especially my fellow Texans,” England said.

This is a blue state:

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Schiavo Autopsy Released

Terri Schiavo’s autopsy was released today. Pathologist Jon R. Thogmartin, chief medical examiner for Florida's sixth judicial district, had this to say:

"She died of marked dehydration. She did not starve to death"

Gee, that’s, uh… comforting.

Great Moments in Civil Rights

Russian President Vladimir Putin, “We all know that African countries used to have a tradition of eating their own adversaries. We don’t have such a tradition or process or culture and I believe the comparison between Africa and Russia is not quite just.” (Jun 12, 2005)

Mexican President Vicente Fox, “There’s no doubt that the Mexican men and women—full of dignity, willpower and a capacity for work—are doing the work that not even Blacks want to do in the United States.’’ (May 13, 2005)

Democratic Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid, "I think that [Clarence Thomas] has been an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. I think that his opinions are poorly written." (Dec 5, 2004)

DNC Chairman Howard Dean, “You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had hotel staff in here.” (Feb 11, 2005)

Democratic Senator Robert Byrd on national television, “There are white n***ers. I have seen a lot of white n***ers in my time, if you want to use that word.” (2001)

Democratic Congresswoman Corrine Brown, “You all look alike to me.” (Feb 25, 2004)

And That's a Good Thing

Michael Jackson: Innocent
Robert Blake: Acquitted
Kobe Bryant: Charges Dropped
O.J. Simpson: Not Guilty

I bet Martha Stewart is pissed.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Amnesty’s Amnesia

An interesting read from Slate:
About Amnesty International's disgraceful performance, however, I can tell as well as ask. I was at one point quite close to its London headquarters, and I used to both carry and return messages for the organization when I went as a reporter to screwed-up countries. The founding statutes were quite clear: An Amnesty local was to adopt three "prisoners of conscience," one from either side of the Cold War and one from a "neutral" state. Letters were to be written to the relevant governments and to newspapers in free countries. Though physical torture and capital punishment were opposed in all cases, no overt political position was to be taken. (I remember there was quite a row when an Amnesty "country report" on Argentina went so far as to describe a guerrilla raid as "daring.") By adhering to these rules, AI became a credible worldwide group to which even the most repressive governments sometimes had to pay attention. All honor to its founder Peter Benenson, who died earlier this year.

And now look. I think it is fairly safe to say that not one detainee in Guantanamo is there because of an expression of opinion. (And those whose "opinion" is that all infidels must die are not exactly prisoners of conscience.) Morally neutral on this point, apparently, Amnesty nonetheless finds its voice by describing the prison itself as "the gulag of our times." No need to waste words here: Not everyone in the gulag was a "prisoner of conscience," either. But if an organization that ostensibly protects the rights of prisoners is unaware of the nature of a colossal system of forced labor and arbitrary detention—replete with physical torture, starvation, and brutal execution—then the moral compass has become disordered beyond repair. This is not even neutrality between the fireman and the fire. It surely expresses a covert sympathy with the aims and objectives of jihad and an overt, if witless and sinister, hatred of the United States. If only this were the only symptom of that tendency.

Germany's Conservative Problem

This woman will most likely be the next chancellor of Germany. Angela Merkel is the chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union Party (CDU), which is leading current Prime Minister Gerhard Schroeder’s Social Democratic Party (SDP) by 15 points in polls. American liberals are already blaming it on the stupidity of Germany's red state voters.

I guess Germany's 13% unemployment rate turned out not to be such a strong selling point, which is what happens when you let liberals run your country for too long . However, I can recommend a good slogan, “Vote SDP: You’ll never have to work again. Even if you want to.”

Oddly enough, the CDU is comprised of mostly Christians, and white Christians* at that. Coincidentally, Germany (like the U.S.) is comprised of mostly white Christians.

*No comment from Howard Dean yet

German Academia as Delusional As American Counterparts

The University of Maryland has a campus in Germany. It is open to anyone, but it is primarily attended by soldiers, their families and citizens working for the U.S. abroad (DOD, State Department, etc.). For the 2005 commencement, UM invites an American bashing German professor. Hilarity ensues:
A local expert on German-American relations recently gave new University of Maryland graduates something to talk about — and, in some cases, chant about — with a commencement address some thought bashed America.

Professor Detlef Junker, founder and director of the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, a self-professed great admirer of the United States — and the man who gave the address positing German-American relations were at their lowest ebb since World War II because of Bush administration policies — said he’s just the messenger.

“I still think it’s a balanced and fair statement and it is a correct European perspective,” Junker said Monday. “I thought on that day of history I should not only give some general niceties but say something substantial. After all, this is Jefferson’s first principle: Americans cannot be both ignorant and free.”

While he was speaking — about the “almost free fall of the reputation of the U.S.,” which he credited to several Bush administration policies, foremost, the “unilateral self-empowerment of the United States through the doctrine of the pre-emptive strike” — Junker wasn’t sure what was happening with the crowd of more than 1,000 people.

Afterward he knew. It wasn’t just the booing. One graduate came on stage, stopped and saluted the flag and then looked directly at Junker. “He gave me a very nasty look,” Junker said.
It could just be me, but I don’t think it is generally a good idea to call your audience ignorant.

Let Them Eat... Steak

Duncan Hunter, California Congressman and Chairman of the House Armed Service Committee had this to say on Fox News regarding the detention practices at Guantanamo Bay:

HUNTER: How do we treat these people? I sat down yesterday with the menu from Guantanamo so the average American can understand how we're brutalizing people at Guantanamo and I've got it right here. They're going to be having orange glazed chicken, fresh fruit Group A, steamed peas and mushrooms, rice pilaf, another form of torture for the hijackers. We treat them very well. If you go back to Sunday, it looks like it's lemon baked fish as an entrée, and if you look at the food and you also look at the list that has been prepared for the Armed Services Committee, which lists abuses of the way that you can abuse a prisoner, feeding them the food that we feed our soldiers, that is the MREs, which is the new C rations, is considered actually to be a form of abuse, something probably the manufactures of C rations or the new rations don't agree with.
Now treating terrorists better than American Soldiers is inhumane. It is the Burque Boy’s humble opinion that the whining about Guantanamo Bay is led by those (including American liberals and other enemies of the U.S.) that unconditionally hate the U.S. and their policies. Donald Rumsfeld could personally feed them lobster and give daily pedicures, and they would somehow find problem with that.

Jacko Beats It

Michael Jackson returns to Neverland a free man.
A jury pronounced the 46-year-old singer not guilty of molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor, not guilty of plying the boy with alcohol, and not guilty of conspiring to abduct, extort and falsely imprison the child and his family.
“A 13-year-old cancer survivor” is one way of putting it. Another way is “a 13-year-old money grubbing punk”. Now his family can go through with their original intention, which of course is the civil suit.

AP Gets it Wrong Again

AP News -- Authorities say a disagreement over a frozen snack led a Mississippi teenager to fatally shoot his father and threaten his mother. Curtis McCray Jr., 16, was arrested and charged with murder last week after allegedly shooting Curtis McCray Sr. with a shotgun from about 20 feet away, the Pike County Sheriff's Department said. Investigator David Haywood said the shooting occurred after the teen was punished for being involved in a minor wreck, and the boy became enraged when his parents returned home eating Sno-Balls and there wasn't one for him.
Now every good-blooded American* knows that Sno-Balls are not a frozen treat, but rather a pink coconut and marshmallow covered, cream filled, chocolate sponge cake. And of course there wasn’t one for him – they only come two to a pack. Duh.

* Oops, sorry. I forgot that this was not coming from a good-blooded American, but rather the Associated Press, which somehow manages to get killer photographs from 3 or 4 different angles of every murder and car bomb in Iraq.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Maybe He Would Have Preferred Squealing Like a Pig

According to Time Magazine, a logbook from Guantanamo Bay includes entries for refusing a detainee a bathroom break, making him bark like a dog, and awakening him up with Christina Aguilera music.

Sen. Chuck Hagel had this to say:

It's not appropriate," said the Senator on CNN's "Late Edition." "It's not at all within the standards of who we are as a civilized people, what our laws are.

"If in fact we are treating prisoners this way, it's not only wrong, it's dangerous and very dumb and very shortsighted," the Nebraska Republican said.

"This is not how you win the people of the world over to our side, especially the Muslim world."

They’re blowing up school busses, killing children, and chopping people’s heads off; we’re making them play "See 'n Say" and listen to pop music; and according to Chuck “Blame America” Hagel, we’re the bad guys.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Uh Oh, 15 Minutes to Wapner

DNC Hothead Howard “I Have a Scream” Dean and U.S. opposition leader Sen. Harry Reid held a press conference which apparently involved a bunch of reporters crammed into a room shouting over each other to get their questions in.

After several seconds, a booming voice cut through the noise. It belonged to Brian Wilson, a Fox News correspondent who was standing in the middle of the crowd. He asked Dean "if people are focused on the other things that you've said about hating Republicans, about Republicans being dishonest and then this latest comment about the Republican Party is full of white Christians. You say you hate Republicans -- does that mean you also'' hate white Christians?

Ok but seriously, Dean gave the DNC Chairman in the headlights look and Reid went off about how the Congressional cafeteria always serves fish sticks on Fridays. Wilson of course was kicked out and returned to California for some killer waves.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

News Flash: Kerry Dumb as a Bag of Hammers

So now that Kerry finally releases his military records, we find out that he wasn’t trying to hide his service, but rather his grades which were attached to his application for Officer Candidate School.

Kerry… got a cumulative 76 for his four years, according to a transcript that Kerry sent to the Navy when he was applying for officer training school. He received four D's in his freshman year out of 10 courses, but improved his average in later years.

The transcript shows that Kerry's freshman-year average was 71. He scored a 61 in geology, a 63 and 68 in two history classes, and a 69 in political science. His top score was a 79, in another political science course. Another of his strongest efforts, a 77, came in French class.
So when Kerry said “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it,” he wasn’t intellectualizing, he was just being an idiot.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hillary Shares Expertise About Liars

Just in case you forgot, Hillary reminds you that she is still a liberal. In a fund raiser for her Senate re-election campaign she “castigated President Bush and Congressional Republicans yesterday as being mad with power and self-righteousness, complained that the news media have been timid in taking on the administration, and suggested that some Washington Republicans have a God complex”

"I know it's frustrating for many of you, it's frustrating for me. Why can't the Democrats do more to stop them?" she said to growing applause. "I can tell you this: It's very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they're doing. It is very hard to tell people that they are making decisions that will undermine our checks and balances and constitutional system of government who don't care. It is very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth."
Yeah, but what does Bill Clinton have to do with this?
Mrs. Clinton described Republican leaders as messianic in their beliefs, willing to manipulate facts and even "destroy" the Senate to gain political advantage.
And to think that I thought it was the voters that stripped democrats of their political power.