If you're offended that Donald Trump once said the p-word, but not by Bill Clinton getting blow jobs in the Oval Office by a 21-year old intern...
If you're against the death penalty but are OK with abortion...
If you think the NY Times is too conservative...
If you believe Russians hacked the election, but there's no need to investigate the possibility of voter fraud...
If you punch someone in the face while wearing a "Love Trumps Hate" T-shirt...
If you can voice your presidential assassination fantasies in public without fear of consequences...
If you think requiring ID is racist, but thinking minorities are too stupid and incompetent to attain an ID is not...
If you think dressing up in white and intimidating blacks to keep them from voting was done by Republicans...
If you think every man is a rapist, but if he puts on a dress, your daughter is perfectly safe with him in a locker room...
If you think a college graduate with a BA degree in Social Justice Studies should receive a starting salary of $100,000 a year...
If you gloat about how "dumb" Americans are, but insist that our public school system is perfect and can't be improved (except by throwing more money at it)...
If you wear genitals on your head and expect to be taken seriously...
... You might be a Democrat
More here.
Fear the resistance!
Friday, January 27, 2017
Thursday, January 26, 2017
SJW Takedown
This is what happens when you mess with Johnny Law in Portland:
Portland of all places! The land of "putting a bird on it". My only regret is that the coward who jumped on the bus got away. The best part is the chubby girl crying at the end. I'm guessing that an epic take down by the cops wasn't part of this group's plan.
Don't get me wrong, I don't endorse violence against chubby women. Or proportionately sized ones for that matter. But it is about time that the police started meeting force with an equivalent amount.
Portland of all places! The land of "putting a bird on it". My only regret is that the coward who jumped on the bus got away. The best part is the chubby girl crying at the end. I'm guessing that an epic take down by the cops wasn't part of this group's plan.
Don't get me wrong, I don't endorse violence against chubby women. Or proportionately sized ones for that matter. But it is about time that the police started meeting force with an equivalent amount.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Higher Education
What takes more guts? Yelling in the library with 30 of your Art History classmates. Or being the one person who stands up to them.
Who's got the power? This guy...
This also goes a long way in explaining why kids can't get jobs these days. They don't go to college to actually learn, and have no respect for those who do.
Update: watch it while you can. The YouTube censors have been removing it.
Who's got the power? This guy...
Update: watch it while you can. The YouTube censors have been removing it.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Dom Tullipso and Demand Protest
Think what you will about Dom Tullipso (the L's are silent) and his political motives, but the man is a comic genius. Tucker Carlson finally gets the joke right around the 4:45 mark, followed by Mr. Tullipso briefly breaking character:
His Twitter is equally as entertaining:
MSNBC vetted me, but refused to have me on their show because I was legitimate. They only want frauds.— Dom Tullipso (@DominicTullipso) January 18, 2017
This protest will be protested by our protesters, don't you worry. #DemandProtest Link in bio! https://t.co/38MtaOX6cQ— Dom Tullipso (@DominicTullipso) January 18, 2017
We do direct deposit. You're responsible for travel. Contract is like Scientology, it's for a billion years. You can hold a sign when sick. https://t.co/mOCjh355Dh— Dom Tullipso (@DominicTullipso) January 18, 2017
The Party of National Security
In order to emphasize the point that he does not give a crap about national security (except when it harms his political power), Obama commutes the sentence of Private Manning.
Even the disgraced WaPo calls it feckless. And when you've lost the WaPo, you've lost middle America!
But let's face it, the number of people surprised by this executive action is exactly zero. The National Review explains why:
Even the disgraced WaPo calls it feckless. And when you've lost the WaPo, you've lost middle America!
But let's face it, the number of people surprised by this executive action is exactly zero. The National Review explains why:
[T]he degree to which Obama has wielded executive power in favor of America’s enemies and against his own political opponents and scapegoats is breathtaking. The treasonous Manning gets an 80 percent shave off his sentence. Now we learn Oscar Lopez-Rivera, an unrepentant FALN terrorist convicted of waging war against the United States, has also had his sentence commuted. Taliban commanders are released, replenishing our jihadist enemies even as they continue prosecuting a terrorist war against our troops and allies, in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, a deserter who may, at least indirectly, have caused the deaths of American soldiers. Iran is enriched and empowered with tens of billions of dollars – including ransom cash – and a mammoth nuclear energy program (with the certainty that it will yield a nuclear weapons stockpile) even as it remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism calling for “death to America.”
But if you are Dinesh D’Souza, a conservative Obama critic, the Justice Department inflates an administrative violation into multiple felonies and aggressively advocates (thankfully, without success) for a stiff prison sentence. If you are a tea party group gearing up to fight Obama’s re-election, here comes the IRS. If you are “anti-Muslim video producer” Nakoula Basseley Nakoula and Obama needs a scapegoat for his derelictions in Benghazi, you end up in the slammer. If you are a deep-pocketed financial institution that Obama wants to make the culprit for the government-driven financial meltdown, or to raid so the radical left’s legion of “community organizers” can be funded, prepare to pony up a 9- or 10-figure “settlement.” If you are a police department, be ready to be scandalized as a practitioner of racially malicious enforcement. If you are Israel, brace for the “international outlaw” smear.Their inability to properly handle power may go a long way in explaining why Democrats no longer have it.
Reaping What You Sow
An illegal alien undocumented immigrant is suing San Francisco because the city trampled on his rights (as an illegal alien presumably) by upholding federal law:
The lawsuit was filed on Tuesday on behalf of Pedro Figueroa Zarceno, 32, in federal court in San Francisco against the city and its police chief for violating his right to due process and breaking an ordinance barring municipal employees from cooperating with federal immigration authorities seeking to deport a person.
Figueroa walked into a police station in November 2015 to report his car stolen, according to the lawsuit. Two days later, the car was found and when he went to recover it, he was handcuffed and led outside where federal immigration agents were waiting for him, the lawsuit said.Well... this ought to be interesting.
Friday, January 13, 2017
More Fake Hate
In an attempt to become America's leading source of #fakenews, the once reputable WaPO publishes another article about another incidence of hate. This time at at a Maryland high school:
* Fake hate crime reporting has become so rampant that someone actually created a database of them. 278 so far.
A white supremacist petition that circulated at a Maryland high school on Friday described African Americans as a “scourge,” said they “invented” rape, stealing and basketball, and spoke of “the supreme White race.” School officials immediately denounced the document and began an investigation.Of course this was yet another hoax:
The Anne Arundel County Police Department has charged a 14-year-old girl with a juvenile citation for sending a threatening tweet related to Arundel High School... That person has been identified as a 14-year-old African American female who attends Arundel High School.So far the lion share of all these post-election hate crimes* exist only in the minds of liberals and on the pages of the Washington Post. Except you know, for the ones that really happened against Trump supporters.
* Fake hate crime reporting has become so rampant that someone actually created a database of them. 278 so far.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Name the Race
The once reputable NYT has started publishing a weekly round up of hate crimes in the US. This one caught our attention:
Four people have been charged with a hate crime, among other charges, in the beating in Chicago of a teenager with mental disabilities, which was broadcast on Facebook Live on January 3. The video shows one of the suspects shouting about Donald Trump and “white people.”If you didn't know the background on this, would you know that the perpetrators were black and the victim was white. No? Mission accomplished NYT.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017
I Feel Pretty
The disgraced WaPo has relegated itself to fact checking the President elect's comments on fashion:
Trump played hype man for his own inauguration, boasting that the turnout would be record-setting. “There will be plenty of movie and entertainment stars,” Trump told the [New York] Times. “All the dress shops are sold out in Washington. It’s hard to find a great dress for this inauguration.”
Hang on — is Trump actually saying that Washington’s racks are bare of formal gowns? That there are scant “great” frocks left? Putting aside the old-timey reference to “dress shops” (ladies wear all manner of clothing these days, including pants), we wondered if it was possible that the city’s shops actually had been cleared out of ball-worthy wear.Needless to say, they were able to find that dresses were readily available in the DC metro area. Well done. Way to speak truth to power. Perhaps they could apply this same level of effort to providing factual reporting on real news.
The Party of Inclusion
MTV "culture writer" tells Jeff Sessions to return his Asian granddaughter "to the Toys 'R' Us you stole her from", among other things.

In all honesty, I have no idea if Ira Madison III is a Democrat. But if he works as a culture writer for MTV, the odds are 1 in 1.

In all honesty, I have no idea if Ira Madison III is a Democrat. But if he works as a culture writer for MTV, the odds are 1 in 1.
Outgoing Braggart-in-Chief states that there have been no attacks in the US at the hands of foreign terrorists on his watch:
"Because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, and the intelligence officers, law enforcement, and diplomats who support them, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years," the president said during his farewell address in Chicago.Those killed and wounded in Orlando, Fort Hood, Boston, and San Bernadino may disagree. Let's also not forget the Americans that were killed in Benghazi, Paris, Nice, Berlin and other attacks outside US sovereignty. These incidents should not be minimized just because terrorist groups are using our own citizens to carry them out or merely because they happened in a different country. It's certainly nothing to brag about.
So how is it that exposing the banal emails of a non-Governmental organization requires a swifter and more severe response than the exposing of the most personal information of 20 million private US citizens?
WH suggests China hack required milder response
A 2015 Chinese-backed cyberattack on the Office of Personnel Management that exposed millions of personal records was "materially different" than the Russian-backed cyberattacks on Democrats during the election cycle, which is why the White House cracked down harder on the latter breach, press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday.
"What we've seen is that these are two cyber incidents that are malicious in nature but materially different," Earnest said, defending the administration's decision to issue sanctions in response to the Russian hack but not the Chinese hack.
The OPM hack was one of the largest data breaches in the history of the United States. More than 20 million people were affected, with the Chinese gaining possession of names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, places of residence, and sensitive information from background investigations.
"I'm just saying that it's different than seeking to interfere in the conduct of a U.S. national election," Earnest said.The bottom line is that White House cares more about the preservation of their political power than they do about the citizens they are supposed to protect, just saying.
Friday, January 06, 2017
Nothing to See Here
The disgraced WaPo is worried that people will see video taped evidence of racism against whites as evidence that racism against whites exists.
We should probably ignore these other examples too:
If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.Gee, I wonder why people think that incident was racist.
Video emerged Wednesday of an unidentified white man — bound and gagged — being beaten, cut and berated by four African-Americans. One assailant yelled “F**k Donald Trump! F**k white people!” as he kicked the man. Another video showed the suspects forcing the white male to drink toilet water as they laugh hysterically.Oh, right.
We should probably ignore these other examples too:
Here’s A List Of Completely Substantiated (And Underreported) Attacks On Trump Supporters
Thursday, January 05, 2017
The WaPo Gets B*tch Slapped**
Much like the New York Times, the Washington Post was once considered a respectable newspaper. Forbes does a good job of outlying why that will never be the case again:
** My apologies for the derogatory headline. Like WaPo, I can't be held responsible for the content of my blog
How The Washington Post's Defense Of Its Russian Hacking Story Unraveled Through Web Archiving
As the Washington Post’s story of Russian hackers burrowed deep within the US electrical grid, ready to plunge the nation into darkness at the flip of a switch unraveled into the story of a single non-grid-connected laptop with a piece of malware on it, the Post has faced fierce criticism over how it fact checked and verified the details of its story. It turns out that the Post not only did not fact check the story until after it was published live on its website, but in its defense of the story, the Post made a number of false statements about what was written when, which the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine reveals.
Needless to say the WaPo lied about trying to corroborate the story:
When I asked the Post why it had not contacted the utilities prior to publication, in her emailed response to me, [Kris] Coratti [Vice President of Communications and Events for the Washington Post] asserted that the Post had indeed contacted both utilities for comment prior to publication and had not received a reply from either and so proceeded with publication... I reached out to Mike Kanarick, Director of Customer Care, Community Engagement and Communications for Burlington Electric Department for comment… It turns out that the reason that Burlington Electric did not response to the Post’s prepublication request for comment is that the Post actually did not reach out for comment until after it had already run its story.
Performed no external fact cheeking:
...the Post ran its story based solely and exclusively on the word of US Government sources that it placed absolute trust in. That the Post would run an entire story based exclusively on the word of its US Government sources and without any other external fact checking (such as contacting the two utilities), offers a fascinating glimpse into just how much blind trust American newspapers place in Government sources, to repeat their claims verbatim without the slightest bit of vetting or confirmation.
Secretly substantively re-wrote the article:
...the Post’s idea of fact checking is to publish first and then correct the story by rewriting it bit by bit in the hours following publication, rather than collecting all facts and developing a definitive hard story before ever allowing it to be published... [This] is what leads to false and misleading news circulating, especially as other news outlets picked up on the Post’s story and ran it assuming that the Post had conducted all of the necessary fact checking.
And then only fessed up to having re-written the article many hours after it had been called out:
Ms. Coratti also did not respond to a request for comment on why the Post took more than 11 hours to post an editor’s note notifying readers that the article had been substantively rewritten and the original thesis retracted.The most ironic aspect of all this is that mainstream journalists have become obsessed with the crusade against #fakenews, all while enabling and fueling this dissemination of it and failing to take responsibility. You can read the whole take down here,
** My apologies for the derogatory headline. Like WaPo, I can't be held responsible for the content of my blog
Obama Awards Himself a Medal
Not to miss out on all the awards being tossed out like candy, Obama has one of his employees pin a medal on him:
Well done sir. Well done...
Well done sir. Well done...
It is however unfortunate that no one was around to see it:
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Pandemonium! Cats and Dogs Living Together!
I did not expect this sort of common sense from Piers Morgan:
The game's over Mr President - and your team lost. End your Trump temper tantrum and show some dignity
Obama’s spent the past few weeks charging around like a guy who’s watching the clock tick down and is desperate to snatch some semblance of victory from the jaws of a crushing, humiliating defeat.
Since the election, as the New York Times reported, he’s banned oil drilling off the Atlantic coast, named over 100 people to a range of senior government jobs, created new environmental monuments, commuted the sentences of 232 inmates and pardoned 78 others, protected funding for Planned Parenthood clinics, ordered the transfer of detainees from Guantanamo Bay and blocked new Israeli settlements.
As some critics sneer, it’s more governing than he’s done in eight years. In his most dramatic action, Obama claimed Russia swung the election Trump’s way by hacking Hillary Clinton’s emails and leaking them to Wikileaks to destroy her campaign. He retaliated by throwing out a load of Russian diplomats.
The fact Obama produced no hard evidence to substantiate this very serious claim didn’t seem to matter to the former constitutional law expert... But it suits Obama’s game to say that it was all down to Putin because it distracts from the real reason.
Donald Trump didn’t win the presidency because of Russia, emails, FBI Director James Comey or the weather in Michigan.
He won because, according to reputable polls before the November 8 vote, 70% of Americans felt their country was going in the wrong direction...He even tosses some praise to Bush II:
Obama’s been very disappointing.
Not least in the manner of his departure.
President George W. Bush, for all his many faults, was extraordinarily magnanimous towards Obama himself during their transition period.
In fact, he is widely regarded as having been the most generous and solicitous outgoing presidents in history.
And he’s continued to be so ever since, never popping up above the ex-president parapet to berate, rebuke or attack his successor.
Instead, Dubya sensibly retreated into the sidings, understanding that the job is difficult enough without the previous incumbent making it even harder.
Obama, by contrast, seems intent on making the transition to a Trump administration as poisonous and unhelpful as he possibly can...
Obama’s messianic halo has crumbled, revealing just another politician who thought he could change the world and ended up changing not very much at all.
His America is not discernibly better than the one George W. Bush handed to him. It remains just as bitterly divided, racially toxic and economically unequal as it was before.
We know it, he knows it, and this election result proved it.
It was a repudiation of Obama as much as Hillary.
Now, as the final buzzer sounds, Mr Nice Guy is showing his true colours and morphing into the mean, nasty basketball player who hates the fact his team’s getting Trumped and is doing anything he can to stop it happening.
It’s too late, Mr President.
The game’s over.
Your team lost.
So get over it and start behaving with some of the damn dignity that your aides keep bragging about.Dare to dis Obama and praise Bush? I guess that makes Piers a racist.
Infinite Monkey Theorem Proven
The Infinite Monkey Theorem states that given enough monkeys typing randomly, they will eventually put out the complete works of Shakespeare... or something like that. The New York Times proves it to be correct by actually publishing a meaningful article:
If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
WASHINGTON — If Donald J. Trump decides as president to throw a whistle-blower in jail for trying to talk to a reporter, or gets the F.B.I. to spy on a journalist, he will have one man to thank for bequeathing him such expansive power: Barack Obama...
...Many journalism groups say the record is clear. Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting.Even the #FakeNews site, the Washington Post weighs in:
Obama’s attorney general repeatedly allowed the F.B.I. to use intrusive measures against reporters more often than any time in recent memory. The moral obstacles have been cleared for Trump’s attorney general to go even further, to forget that it’s a free press that has distinguished us from other countries, and to try to silence dissent by silencing an institution whose job is to give voice to dissent.Liberals are finally learning that aiding and abetting the removal of checks and balances of our government isn't a good thing. But don't worry. This "concern" will only last while a Republican is in office.
I Question the Timing (AKA Old Media, Same as the New Media)
After 8 years of being the propaganda arm of the White House, the New York Times feels the MSM should speak more truth to power now that a Republican is in office. I'm sure the timing is just coincidence:
For too much of 2016, we in the news media — with many stellar exceptions — sometimes were mindless mutts that barked at everything. Partly because of that lapse, the country today needs a robust fourth estate more than ever. We should be infused with a renewed sense of mission. So, for a New Year’s resolution, let’s try harder to be watchdogs, not lap dogs.But of course what they really mean is that they should attack Republicans:
As early as March, Trump had received $1.9 billion in free media coverage, 190 times as much as he paid for. Back then, I called around to journalists and scholars, and there was already a widespread view that television had screwed up by handing Trump the microphone and failing to fact-check him adequately. In addition, Trump was masterly at diverting us from substance. As Tom Rosenstiel, a veteran press critic, noted: “We need journalists to cover what is important, not bark at every car.”
We will soon have as commander in chief the most evasive, ignorant and puerile national politician I’ve ever met, and while there are many factors behind his election, I think we in the media contributed by skimping on due diligence.And protect Democrats:
We should also try harder to debunk fake stories. A false story on Facebook about President Obama banning the Pledge of Allegiance in schools had more than two million shares or other interactions, and a make-believe story about Pope Francis endorsing Trump had nearly one million such interactions. When so many Americans believe false claims, we should weigh in aggressively on the side of truth.So exactly what has changed?
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