Saturday, March 05, 2005

Best Seller

Look for the book Dem Strategy for Dummies (Isn’t that title a bit redundant?) An excerpt [with editorial comments]:

1. If Repubs say we're making a mistake, we're on the right track.
[If that were the case, then democrats have never been on the wrong track.]

2. If Repubs say we're being reasonable, we're making a mistake.
[Hard to argue with this logic. If a liberal is doing anything reasonable, they are likely experiencing a momentary lapse on sanity.]

3. If Repubs snicker at a candidate (think Dean), they are afraid of him.
[Just like they snickered at Kerry, Dukakis, Mondale…]

4. If Repubs praise a candidate (think Lieberman), he's a loser and/or a spineless wimp.
[Don’t kid yourself. There are plenty of democratic losers and wimps that don’t get Republican praise: Gore, Kennedy, Moore, Streisand, Churchill, Eason, Rather…]


guppyman said...

1. If Repubs say we're making a mistake, we're on the right track.

The right track to total oblivion..... I like that choice of tracks....2. If Repubs say we're being reasonable, we're making a mistake.

When has a Dem ever been reasonable?3. If Repubs snicker at a candidate (think Dean), they are afraid of him.

Yes... I live in constant fear of people like Al Sharpton, Barney Frank and James McGreevey 4. If Repubs praise a candidate (think Lieberman), he's a loser and/or a spineless wimp.

It's really funny to watch a political party implode the way the dems are... Watching them come up with all these reasons why they are losing is hilarious. Little do they realize is all they have to do to be competitive is find a platform and stick to it.... It almost doesn't matter what the platform is, if they can show they believe in something that doesn't waiver... they might have a shot. But I'll sit back and watch them be against Bush rather than trying to find something for themselves to be for.

guppyman said...
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guppyman said...

1. If Repubs say we're making a mistake, we're on the right track.

The right track to total oblivion..... I like that choice of tracks....2. If Repubs say we're being reasonable, we're making a mistake.

When has a Dem ever been reasonable?3. If Repubs snicker at a candidate (think Dean), they are afraid of him.

Yes... I live in constant fear of people like Al Sharpton, Barney Frank and James McGreevey 4. If Repubs praise a candidate (think Lieberman), he's a loser and/or a spineless wimp.

It's really funny to watch a political party implode the way the dems are... Watching them come up with all these reasons why they are losing is hilarious. Little do they realize is all they have to do to be competitive is find a platform and stick to it.... It almost doesn't matter what the platform is, if they can show they believe in something that doesn't waiver... they might have a shot. But I'll sit back and watch them be against Bush rather than trying to find something for themselves to be for.