Saturday, March 05, 2005

Weapons of Mass Delusion

The Pentagon has a new weapon up its sleeve… a new "energy pulse" that can deliver a jolt of excruciating pain from more than a mile away.

The weapons involve Pulsed Energy Projectiles (PEPs), which fire a laser pulse that in turn generates a burst of expanding plasma when it hits something solid. It can cause temporary paralysis and knock a person off their feet.
Of course this has terrorists, liberals, France, CBS, the New York Times and other enemies of the US's panties in a wad.

Documents uncovered by the Sunshine Project, a self-proclaimed biotechnology watchdog, also reveal that the same technology could be used to kill a person.
I got news for you Einstein... IT’S A FREAKIN' WEAPON! That's what weapons do. They kill people and blow stuff up. This is what Merriam-Webster has to say:

Main Entry: weap·on
Pronunciation: 'we-pan
Definition: Kills people and blows stuff up
For the record, the director of the Sunshine Project is a German biologist named Jan van Aken. And well, if anyone who is an expert on inflicting pain and death on large numbers of people, it would be the Germans.

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