Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Mark Your Calendars

March 13-19 is Sunshine Week and the Burque Boy is as giddy as a schoolgirl. It’s a time when Big Media journalists come together hold hands, gossip about boys, braid each other’s hair, a whine about how irrelevant they've become.

According to the official press release:

Journalism organizations are planning a nationwide campaign to press for government access, which they say is being denied more often by officials who claim post-Sept 11 security concerns warrant keeping information secret.

For a week beginning March 13, news outlets will run stories, editorials and cartoons on the subject. The effort announced Tuesday has been dubbed "Sunshine Week.""From city hall to Congress, and from police chiefs' offices to the attorney general's office, the trend toward secrecy is unmistakable," said Tom Curley, president and CEO of The Associated Press.

"The most important thing from our standpoint, of course, is to connect what we do to the public interest, and to line up with the people and remind them how important it is that they get access to what their elected representatives are doing," he said.
Well at least he admits that media is not connected to the public's interest. So let me get this straight: At a time when Big Media has been accused of bias, aiding and abetting the enemy and all around deceitfulness, they want the be to ones to hold the Government accountable. So if they are watching the Government, who is watching them? Oh yeah, that’s right...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
