Monday, February 07, 2005

Sharpton Takes the Bait

Sean Hannity lures the Reverend Al into dissing liberal Teflon boy, Bill Clinton:
HANNITY: Hey, the president said tonight, for our children, that there's a looming crisis, Reverend Al, on Social Security. He said, if we don't deal with it now, it'll affect the next generation of baby boomers, whether or not they'll have enough money to live on and retire. It'll burden their children, burden their children's children. And he says, in 2023, two people will be working for every one person drawing Social Security.

SHARPTON: So that's why we should outsource jobs? That's why we should give tax cuts?

HANNITY: Is the president wrong?

SHARPTON: Yes. Not only is he wrong, his general economic policies would guarantee a burden on those...

HANNITY: But those statements about Social Security are wrong?

SHARPTON: I believe those statements are wrong. I believe, as just said to Newt Gingrich by Alan here, that clearly that is not backed up by impartial, nonpartisan agencies.

HANNITY: You're not going to like what I have to tell you.

SHARPTON: Of course I won't.

HANNITY: You want to know why?

SHARPTON: Of course I won't.

HANNITY: Those statements that I just read to you were Bill Clinton's statements when he was president.

SHARPTON: [Reverend in the headlights look]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Way to go Hannity!