Thursday, March 31, 2005
Pope Fed Through Nose
This just in: Pope John Paul is “getting nutrition from a tube in his nose”. Michael Schiavo has petitioned the Florida Supreme Court on the Pontiff’s right-to-die. Schiavo is quoted as saying, “I distinctly recall the Pope telling me over a bacon cheeseburger that if ever had to be fed from tube, that he would rather slowly starve to death. Plus have you heard him recently? He can’t even talk. All that comes out of his mouth is some foreign sounding gobbledy gook.”
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
An Eye for an Eye
After Mr. Harlan's conviction, the judge sent the jury off to deliberate about the death penalty with an instruction to think beyond the narrow confines of the law, as required by Colorado law. Each juror, the judge told the panel, must make an "individual moral assessment," in deciding whether Mr. Harlan should live.
Even Mr. Harlans’ lawyer had urged jurors to consider biblical wisdom with a request that they find mercy in their hearts "as God ultimately took mercy on Abraham." They instead chose an “eye for an eye”.
This jury chose the Bible as their compass. The Colorado Supreme Court declared that unlawful and compared the Bible to "outside influences that are always to be avoided, like newspaper articles or television programs about the case".
How is it that a handful of judges can ban the Pledge of Allegiance, allow for the starvation of a woman, made legalize slavery, endorse murder, outlaw prayer and declare the Bible illegal?
As CBN puts it, The Constitution starts off “We the People”, not “We the Judges”, yet some would have us believe that judges are the ultimate validation of law.
So what did the framers actually think? The answers are written down in history, in a collection of essays called "The Federalist Papers," where our Founding Fathers explained certain provisions in the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton expressed his belief that the courts would have the least power of the three branches of government when he wrote that, "The judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution." And in 1820, Thomas Jefferson agreed with Hamilton on the judiciary's role, warning that "to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed."
Is it any wonder that Democrats are fighting to keep conservatives out of the Judicial Branch? With old media floundering, it is the last true instrument for them to force feed liberalism on the American public.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Liberalism 101
Your left-wing lesson of the day:
Starving this woman to death “is not a cruel procedure", “is a very comforting” way to die, and preserves the "sanctity of marriage".
But an Al-Qaeda blanket party requires a Congressional Hearing.
In summary:
Killing Americans: Good; Humiliating terrorists: Bad.
Starving this woman to death “is not a cruel procedure", “is a very comforting” way to die, and preserves the "sanctity of marriage".
But an Al-Qaeda blanket party requires a Congressional Hearing.
In summary:
Killing Americans: Good; Humiliating terrorists: Bad.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
The L.A. Times Goes on a Bender
Under California’s Work Release Program, mental patients* are now able to work on the editorial staff of the LA Times (*either that or it’s Bill Moyers, it’s difficult to tell the difference).
Their latest editorial is such a target rich environment, I don’t even know where to begin. The Times accuses Republican leaders of using the Schiavo case as an “opportunity to appease their radical right-wing constituents”, and “shamelessly interject the federal government into the wrenching Schiavo family dispute.”
By radical “right-wing” they mean anyone this side of Al Gore (including you Joe Lieberman). Now there’s a concept, appeasing your constituents. Democrats ought to try that. They might win more elections. Plus I never thought I’d see the day liberals shun some good old-fashioned government interjection.
The Times even went as far to call this act a “constitutional coup d’etat”. defines a “coup d’etat” as “the sudden overthrow of a government”. So as long as you consider a handful of activist judges in Florida the Federal Government, then you’re right. But then again, those were the same guys that tried to deliver Gore a victory in 2000, so you can see their confusion. And to think I thought this is how checks and balances work. Two branches of the government team up to bitch slap the other one when they, you know… like say, try to kill someone.
Then there’s this little nugget: “this case once again shows that some social conservatives are happy to see the federal government acquire Stalinist proportions when imposing their morality on the rest of the country.”
Ah yes, there it is - the obligatory comparison of the Republican Party to a dead dictator. So saving a life is the bureaucratic, authoritarian exercise of state power… but the long slow death of someone by starvation is ok.
They accuse Republicans of “wresting jurisdiction over a right-to-die case away from Florida's judiciary”. And we all know that the right-to-die is outlined in the Declaration of Independence - right after that "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness" mumbo jumbo. Andrea Yates carried out her children’s right-to-die, Ted Bundy oversaw about 40 right-to-die cases, Hitler… well, you get the point.
The Times describes Terri Schiavo as “bedridden for 15 years since she was resuscitated after she stopped breathing, Schiavo now breathes but is incapable of eating or drinking on her own.” And to think we let Christopher Reeve live under these same conditions for almost 10 years. I knew we should have killed him when we had the chance. Preferably sometime before Superman IV.
Their latest editorial is such a target rich environment, I don’t even know where to begin. The Times accuses Republican leaders of using the Schiavo case as an “opportunity to appease their radical right-wing constituents”, and “shamelessly interject the federal government into the wrenching Schiavo family dispute.”
By radical “right-wing” they mean anyone this side of Al Gore (including you Joe Lieberman). Now there’s a concept, appeasing your constituents. Democrats ought to try that. They might win more elections. Plus I never thought I’d see the day liberals shun some good old-fashioned government interjection.
The Times even went as far to call this act a “constitutional coup d’etat”. defines a “coup d’etat” as “the sudden overthrow of a government”. So as long as you consider a handful of activist judges in Florida the Federal Government, then you’re right. But then again, those were the same guys that tried to deliver Gore a victory in 2000, so you can see their confusion. And to think I thought this is how checks and balances work. Two branches of the government team up to bitch slap the other one when they, you know… like say, try to kill someone.
Then there’s this little nugget: “this case once again shows that some social conservatives are happy to see the federal government acquire Stalinist proportions when imposing their morality on the rest of the country.”
Ah yes, there it is - the obligatory comparison of the Republican Party to a dead dictator. So saving a life is the bureaucratic, authoritarian exercise of state power… but the long slow death of someone by starvation is ok.
They accuse Republicans of “wresting jurisdiction over a right-to-die case away from Florida's judiciary”. And we all know that the right-to-die is outlined in the Declaration of Independence - right after that "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness" mumbo jumbo. Andrea Yates carried out her children’s right-to-die, Ted Bundy oversaw about 40 right-to-die cases, Hitler… well, you get the point.
The Times describes Terri Schiavo as “bedridden for 15 years since she was resuscitated after she stopped breathing, Schiavo now breathes but is incapable of eating or drinking on her own.” And to think we let Christopher Reeve live under these same conditions for almost 10 years. I knew we should have killed him when we had the chance. Preferably sometime before Superman IV.
Working a Oui Bit More
France moves to dismantle its 35 hour work week, giving the French even less time for personal hygiene.
Go figure another socialist reform failed. But there’s more:
Heated debate over dismantling the working time law has fed into wider political and literary soul-searching in France, on themes ranging from the country's economic frailty and bureaucratic office culture to whether quality of life should be measured in time or money.With France’s unemployment benefits almost equal to actually working, why would you want to work? Get yourself a nice job, then quit. Let the poor slobs who actually choose to work bear the burden of your indolence. Of course with a decreasing labor base, you will eventually have to raise taxes to support the idle, and eventually you make more money by not working. Thus giving the jobless more time for café au lait and quiche.
For Sophie Guilbaud, a Parisian who works as a loan company manager, that last question is a no-brainer.
"Work is not the only thing in my life," she said, suggesting she might quit rather than work more hours.
But with unemployment at 10 percent, politicians of all stripes acknowledge that the country's unique 35-hour law has failed in its original ambition: to force employers to hire massively. What's more, there are strong signs that it hurt living standards as employers froze salaries to make up for lost labor.
"The intention was to spread work around, but the effect was to spread our salaries around," Thierry Breton, France's new finance minister, said last week.
A government-backed bill that effectively restores the previous 39-hour workweek is expected to win final approval this week, despite massive public protests earlier this month and denunciations by the now out-of-power Socialists.
Go figure another socialist reform failed. But there’s more:
Often touted as the working mother's godsend, the 35-hour week actually made life harder for poorer women and single parents, according to women's organization CLEF.Of course American liberals think it’s because France’s voters are stupid. Yes, believe it or not, Jospin lost to Jean-Pierre Raffarin and the UMP, France’s… (gasp) right-wing party. Of course, France’s idea of right-wing is Howard Dean.
"The women that suffered were the lowest paid, who needed all the overtime they could get to make ends meet," said CLEF president Monique Halpern. "I think this is one of the reasons that [Former Socialist Prime Minister] Lionel Jospin lost the elections."
Last year, a parliamentary committee reported that the 35-hour week cost France more than $13 billion a year, casting doubt on a labor ministry study that suggested it had created 350,000 jobs between 1998 and 2002.See, not everyone in France is, as they say “trés stupid”.
But Nicolas Sarkozy, who pushed hard for the law to be loosened while serving as finance minister last year and is expected to one day run for president, has no regrets.
"It's wonderful to see so many people marching to defend the jobs they already have, pushing aside so many others who would also like the chance to have a job," he said.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Note to Self: Don't Go Into a Coma in Florida
This woman is not brain dead...
52 Democrats and 5 Republicans voted against saving Terri’s life. I’ve said it before, Democrats have no platform. As a result there are relegated to just opposing anything Republican backed. Even if it means killing someone.
52 Democrats and 5 Republicans voted against saving Terri’s life. I’ve said it before, Democrats have no platform. As a result there are relegated to just opposing anything Republican backed. Even if it means killing someone.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Constitutional Malarkey
Barbara Boxer made the mistake of showing liberalism’s true colors at a speech at MoveOn. The Constitution requires a simple majority of the Senate (i.e., 51 votes) to confirm judges. Boxer wants 60. If you can’t pervert the Constitution (i.e., Roe v. Wade, Separation of Church and State, the Pledge of Allegiance) then change it. This is what she said:
They lost the House, they lost the Senate, they lost the Presidency, they lost control of the media, they’re about to lose their stranglehold on the Federal Court System, and liberals are scared… and desperate
Why would we give lifetime appointments to people who earn up to $200,000 a year, with absolutely a great retirement system, and all the things all Americans wish for, with absolutely no check and balance except that one confirmation vote. So we're saying we think you ought to get nine votes over the 51 required. That isn't too much to ask for such a super important position. There ought to be a super vote. Don't you think so? It's the only check and balance on these people. They're in for life. They don't stand for election like we do, which is scary.News Flash: There was an election - it took place in November. Conservatism won and liberalism lost. Americans voted a Republican President to nominate judges, and a Republican Senate to confirm them. Majority rules. If you want more power, then win more elections. That California saw it fit to elect her to the Senate does not mean the rest of the country should be forced fed her delusional ideology. Now that’s scary.
They lost the House, they lost the Senate, they lost the Presidency, they lost control of the media, they’re about to lose their stranglehold on the Federal Court System, and liberals are scared… and desperate
Friday, March 18, 2005
Wolfowitz Derangement Syndrome
What is Europe’s beef with Paul Wolfowitz?
It must be his well-known role in the instigation of the Iraq War, but according to the latest poll, 61.5% of post-war Iraqis now feel their country is headed in the right direction as opposed to 23.2 thinking negatively, a stunning differential of nearly 40% which dwarfs any similar polls I have ever seen about America and Europe. The only conclusion we can draw from this is perhaps we should have invaded Europe. It would have cheered them up.
This Place Sucks
Superfriends meets Office Space. Pure genius. Watch the whole thing here.
Robin: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. It's not that hard. Na-gheen-an-a-jar. Nagheenanajar.
Batman: Yeah, well at least your name isn't Michael Bolton.
Robin: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Batman: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.
Robin: Hmm... well why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael?
Batman: No way. Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
We don’t get MTV Hits in Germany, so I don’t know who Dorian Davis is, but he makes a heck of a lot of sense.
In the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, it is perfectly legal to finance and train terrorists--and harbor them--but illegal to say the Pledge of Allegiance...
Oddly, modern liberalism is predisposed to believe these judges are infallible and enlightened, and ought to be entitled to override the majority opinion on issues like abortion and gay marriage. Poppycock.
A few questions for liberals. 1) Are judges smarter than we are? 2) What makes them smart? 3) Law school? 4) Is Anton Scalia smart? 5) If not, why? 6) If so, then who do you actually trust to make decisions about abortion and gay marriage--voters, or a panel of nine Anton Scalias? 7) Finally, if you preferred the voters to Anton Scalia, then why on earth should the rest of us put our fates in the hands of the Ruth Bader Ginsbergs or the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals?
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Where Have All the Liberals Gone?
Or so wonders Ann Coulter:
Liberals have been completely intellectually vanquished. Actually, they lost the war of ideas long ago. It's just that now their defeat is so obvious, even they've noticed. As new DNC Chairman Howard Dean might say, it's all over but the screaming… The only people liberals can find to put up a fight these days are ex-Klanners and other assorted nuts.
There's former KKK "Kleagle" and Democratic Sen. Bob Byrd, who compared the Republicans to Hitler last week. Byrd having been a charter member of a fascist organization himself, no one was sure if this was intended as a critique or a compliment.
Howard Dean — chairman of the party that supports murder, adultery, lying about adultery, coveting other people's money, stealing other people's money, mass-producing human embryos for spare parts like an automotive chop shop and banning God — has called the Republican Party "evil." One Democrat in the audience, a preschool teacher no less, complained that Dean was soft-pedaling his message.
Teddy Kennedy's big new idea is to wheel out his 18th proposal to raise the minimum wage. He's been doing this since wages were paid in Spanish doubloons (which coincidentally are now mostly found underwater). Kennedy refuses to countenance any risky schemes like trying to grow the economy so people making minimum wage get raises because they've been promoted. Kennedy's going down and he's taking the party with him! (Recognize the pattern?)
I keep expecting the real Democrats to appear and drag these nuts out of the room, saying, Oh sorry, he's escaped again — don't worry, he does this all the time, and then Howard Dean will stand up and have no pants on.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
What Exactly Did She Say?
Harvard’s gay, lesbian and surgically altered have their feather boas ruffled over remarks by Jada Pinkett Smth at the school’s Cultural Rhythms show for, get this... being to heterosexual.
[Crickets chirping…] Burque Boy
"Some of the content was extremely heteronormative, and made BGLTSA members feel uncomfortable,'' Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, and Supporters Alliance co-chairman Jordan Woods told the Harvard Crimson.And what exactly where here offending words? (WARNING: Liberal activists, ACLU lawyers, journalists, celebrities, and the otherwise reality-challenged, read no further. You will find this... horrifying)
“Don’t let anybody define who you are,” she said. “Don’t let them put you in a box. Don’t be afraid to break whatever ceiling anybody has put on you.”Of course, this comes as no surprise as Harvard has taken the lead in being a critical opponent of hate speech everywhere. For example, take their exposé on Ward Churchill’s hate filled rhetoric:
She told the audience about her childhood with teenage parents both addicted to heroin, but triumphantly exclaimed, “I can stand here on this stage and say that I’ve proven them all wrong.”
She then addressed issues regarding the roles of men and women today.“Women, you can have it all—a loving man, devoted husband, loving children, a fabulous career,” she said.
“They say you gotta choose. Nah, nah, nah. We are a new generation of women. We got to set a new standard of rules around here. You can do whatever it is you want. All you have to do is want it.”“To my men, open your mind, open your eyes to new ideas. Be open,” she added.
[Crickets chirping…] Burque Boy
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Best Seller
Look for the book Dem Strategy for Dummies (Isn’t that title a bit redundant?) An excerpt [with editorial comments]:
1. If Repubs say we're making a mistake, we're on the right track.
[If that were the case, then democrats have never been on the wrong track.]
2. If Repubs say we're being reasonable, we're making a mistake.
[Hard to argue with this logic. If a liberal is doing anything reasonable, they are likely experiencing a momentary lapse on sanity.]
3. If Repubs snicker at a candidate (think Dean), they are afraid of him.
[Just like they snickered at Kerry, Dukakis, Mondale…]
4. If Repubs praise a candidate (think Lieberman), he's a loser and/or a spineless wimp.
[Don’t kid yourself. There are plenty of democratic losers and wimps that don’t get Republican praise: Gore, Kennedy, Moore, Streisand, Churchill, Eason, Rather…]
Weapons of Mass Delusion
The Pentagon has a new weapon up its sleeve… a new "energy pulse" that can deliver a jolt of excruciating pain from more than a mile away.
The weapons involve Pulsed Energy Projectiles (PEPs), which fire a laser pulse that in turn generates a burst of expanding plasma when it hits something solid. It can cause temporary paralysis and knock a person off their feet.Of course this has terrorists, liberals, France, CBS, the New York Times and other enemies of the US's panties in a wad.
Documents uncovered by the Sunshine Project, a self-proclaimed biotechnology watchdog, also reveal that the same technology could be used to kill a person.I got news for you Einstein... IT’S A FREAKIN' WEAPON! That's what weapons do. They kill people and blow stuff up. This is what Merriam-Webster has to say:
Main Entry: weap·onFor the record, the director of the Sunshine Project is a German biologist named Jan van Aken. And well, if anyone who is an expert on inflicting pain and death on large numbers of people, it would be the Germans.
Pronunciation: 'we-pan
Definition: Kills people and blows stuff up
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