"If we are to release them in the United States, we need some sort of assistance for them to start a new life," said National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair at his first press conference.Seems to imply that we are not only going to release these terrorists in the U.S., but also give them a government paycheck. Brilliant."You can't just put them on the street," he added. "All that is work in progress."
In case you are wondering what has happened to other former Gitmo alum, check out this article.
On a related note:
Blair touched on the controversial interrogation techniques used on terror suspects under the administration of president George W. Bush saying that those methods -- including waterboarding, or simulated drowning -- would not be used under his tenure.
But Blair, a retired US admiral, added that his team was examining other "enhanced interrogation techniques" for high-value detainees that comply with international conventions on prisoners of war.
He did not elaborate on what methods would be used.
Details of the of this highly secret technique were released in a previous post:
1. Ask “please”
2. If that doesn’t work, ask “pretty please”
3. Ask “pretty please with sugar on top”
4. Promise to be their best friend
5. When all else fails… boycott the Olympics